(function() { /* * APICloud JavaScript Library * Copyright (c) 2014 apicloud.com */ (function(window) { var u = {}; var isAndroid = /android/gi.test(navigator.appVersion); var uzStorage = function uzStorage() { var ls = window.localStorage; if (isAndroid) { ls = os.localStorage(); } return ls; }; function parseArguments(url, data, fnSuc, dataType) { if (typeof data == "function") { dataType = fnSuc; fnSuc = data; data = undefined; } if (typeof fnSuc != "function") { dataType = fnSuc; fnSuc = undefined; } return { url: url, data: data, fnSuc: fnSuc, dataType: dataType }; } u.trim = function(str) { if (String.prototype.trim) { return str == null ? "" : String.prototype.trim.call(str); } else { return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); } }; u.trimAll = function(str) { return str.replace(/\s*/g, ""); }; u.isElement = function(obj) { return !!(obj && obj.nodeType == 1); }; u.isArray = function(obj) { if (Array.isArray) { return Array.isArray(obj); } else { return obj instanceof Array; } }; u.isEmptyObject = function(obj) { if (JSON.stringify(obj) === "{}") { return true; } return false; }; u.addEvt = function(el, name, fn, useCapture) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.addEvt Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } useCapture = useCapture || false; if (el.addEventListener) { el.addEventListener(name, fn, useCapture); } }; u.rmEvt = function(el, name, fn, useCapture) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.rmEvt Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } useCapture = useCapture || false; if (el.removeEventListener) { el.removeEventListener(name, fn, useCapture); } }; u.one = function(el, name, fn, useCapture) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.one Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } useCapture = useCapture || false; var that = this; var cb = function cb() { fn && fn(); that.rmEvt(el, name, cb, useCapture); }; that.addEvt(el, name, cb, useCapture); }; u.dom = function(el, selector) { if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] == "string") { if (document.querySelector) { return document.querySelector(arguments[0]); } } else if (arguments.length === 2) { if (el.querySelector) { return el.querySelector(selector); } } }; u.domAll = function(el, selector) { if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] == "string") { if (document.querySelectorAll) { return document.querySelectorAll(arguments[0]); } } else if (arguments.length === 2) { if (el.querySelectorAll) { return el.querySelectorAll(selector); } } }; u.byId = function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }; u.first = function(el, selector) { if (arguments.length === 1) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.first Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } return el.children[0]; } if (arguments.length === 2) { return this.dom(el, selector + ":first-child"); } }; u.last = function(el, selector) { if (arguments.length === 1) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.last Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } var children = el.children; return children[children.length - 1]; } if (arguments.length === 2) { return this.dom(el, selector + ":last-child"); } }; u.eq = function(el, index) { return this.dom(el, ":nth-child(" + index + ")"); }; u.not = function(el, selector) { return this.domAll(el, ":not(" + selector + ")"); }; u.prev = function(el) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.prev Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } var node = el.previousSibling; if (node.nodeType && node.nodeType === 3) { node = node.previousSibling; return node; } }; u.next = function(el) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.next Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } var node = el.nextSibling; if (node.nodeType && node.nodeType === 3) { node = node.nextSibling; return node; } }; u.closest = function(el, selector) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.closest Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } var doms, targetDom; var isSame = function isSame(doms, el) { var i = 0, len = doms.length; for (i; i < len; i++) { if (doms[i].isSameNode(el)) { return doms[i]; } } return false; }; var traversal = function traversal(el, selector) { doms = u.domAll(el.parentNode, selector); targetDom = isSame(doms, el); while (!targetDom) { el = el.parentNode; if (el != null && el.nodeType == el.DOCUMENT_NODE) { return false; } traversal(el, selector); } return targetDom; }; return traversal(el, selector); }; u.contains = function(parent, el) { var mark = false; if (el === parent) { mark = true; return mark; } else { do { el = el.parentNode; if (el === parent) { mark = true; return mark; } } while (el === document.body || el === document.documentElement); return mark; } }; u.remove = function(el) { if (el && el.parentNode) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }; u.attr = function(el, name, value) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.attr Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if (arguments.length == 2) { return el.getAttribute(name); } else if (arguments.length == 3) { el.setAttribute(name, value); return el; } }; u.removeAttr = function(el, name) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.removeAttr Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if (arguments.length === 2) { el.removeAttribute(name); } }; u.hasCls = function(el, cls) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.hasCls Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if (el.className.indexOf(cls) > -1) { return true; } else { return false; } }; u.addCls = function(el, cls) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.addCls Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if ("classList" in el) { el.classList.add(cls); } else { var preCls = el.className; var newCls = preCls + " " + cls; el.className = newCls; } return el; }; u.removeCls = function(el, cls) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.removeCls Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if ("classList" in el) { el.classList.remove(cls); } else { var preCls = el.className; var newCls = preCls.replace(cls, ""); el.className = newCls; } return el; }; u.toggleCls = function(el, cls) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.toggleCls Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if ("classList" in el) { el.classList.toggle(cls); } else { if (u.hasCls(el, cls)) { u.removeCls(el, cls); } else { u.addCls(el, cls); } } return el; }; u.val = function(el, val) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.val Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if (arguments.length === 1) { switch (el.tagName) { case "SELECT": var value = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value; return value; case "INPUT": return el.value; case "TEXTAREA": return el.value; } } if (arguments.length === 2) { switch (el.tagName) { case "SELECT": el.options[el.selectedIndex].value = val; return el; case "INPUT": el.value = val; return el; case "TEXTAREA": el.value = val; return el; } } }; u.prepend = function(el, html) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.prepend Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } el.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", html); return el; }; u.append = function(el, html) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.append Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", html); return el; }; u.before = function(el, html) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.before Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } el.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", html); return el; }; u.after = function(el, html) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.after Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } el.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", html); return el; }; u.html = function(el, html) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.html Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if (arguments.length === 1) { return el.innerHTML; } else if (arguments.length === 2) { el.innerHTML = html; return el; } }; u.text = function(el, txt) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.text Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if (arguments.length === 1) { return el.textContent; } else if (arguments.length === 2) { el.textContent = txt; return el; } }; u.offset = function(el) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.offset Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } var sl = Math.max( document.documentElement.scrollLeft, document.body.scrollLeft ); var st = Math.max( document.documentElement.scrollTop, document.body.scrollTop ); var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return { l: rect.left + sl, t: rect.top + st, w: el.offsetWidth, h: el.offsetHeight }; }; u.css = function(el, css) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.css Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if (typeof css == "string" && css.indexOf(":") > 0) { el.style && (el.style.cssText += ";" + css); } }; u.cssVal = function(el, prop) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.cssVal Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return; } if (arguments.length === 2) { var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el, null); return computedStyle.getPropertyValue(prop); } }; u.jsonToStr = function(json) { if (typeof json === "object") { return JSON && JSON.stringify(json); } }; u.strToJson = function(str) { if (typeof str === "string") { return JSON && JSON.parse(str); } }; u.setStorage = function(key, value) { if (arguments.length === 2) { var v = value; if (typeof v == "object") { v = JSON.stringify(v); v = "obj-" + v; } else { v = "str-" + v; } var ls = uzStorage(); if (ls) { ls.setItem(key, v); } } }; u.getStorage = function(key) { var ls = uzStorage(); if (ls) { var v = ls.getItem(key); if (!v) { return; } if (v.indexOf("obj-") === 0) { v = v.slice(4); return JSON.parse(v); } else if (v.indexOf("str-") === 0) { return v.slice(4); } } }; u.rmStorage = function(key) { var ls = uzStorage(); if (ls && key) { ls.removeItem(key); } }; u.clearStorage = function() { var ls = uzStorage(); if (ls) { ls.clear(); } }; u.fixIos7Bar = function(el) { return u.fixStatusBar(el); }; u.fixStatusBar = function(el) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.fixStatusBar Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return 0; } el.style.paddingTop = api.safeArea.top + "px"; return el.offsetHeight; }; u.fixTabBar = function(el) { if (!u.isElement(el)) { console.warn( "$api.fixTabBar Function need el param, el param must be DOM Element" ); return 0; } el.style.paddingBottom = api.safeArea.bottom + "px"; return el.offsetHeight; }; u.toast = function(title, text, time) { var opts = {}; var show = function show(opts, time) { api.showProgress(opts); setTimeout(function() { api.hideProgress(); }, time); }; if (arguments.length === 1) { var time = time || 500; if (typeof title === "number") { time = title; } else { opts.title = title + ""; } show(opts, time); } else if (arguments.length === 2) { var time = time || 500; var text = text; if (typeof text === "number") { var tmp = text; time = tmp; text = null; } if (title) { opts.title = title; } if (text) { opts.text = text; } show(opts, time); } if (title) { opts.title = title; } if (text) { opts.text = text; } time = time || 500; show(opts, time); }; u.post = function() /*url,data,fnSuc,dataType*/ { var argsToJson = parseArguments.apply(null, arguments); var json = {}; var fnSuc = argsToJson.fnSuc; argsToJson.url && (json.url = argsToJson.url); argsToJson.data && (json.data = argsToJson.data); if (argsToJson.dataType) { var type = argsToJson.dataType.toLowerCase(); if (type == "text" || type == "json") { json.dataType = type; } } else { json.dataType = "json"; } json.method = "post"; api.ajax(json, function(ret, err) { if (ret) { fnSuc && fnSuc(ret); } }); }; u.get = function() /*url,fnSuc,dataType*/ { var argsToJson = parseArguments.apply(null, arguments); var json = {}; var fnSuc = argsToJson.fnSuc; argsToJson.url && (json.url = argsToJson.url); //argsToJson.data && (json.data = argsToJson.data); if (argsToJson.dataType) { var type = argsToJson.dataType.toLowerCase(); if (type == "text" || type == "json") { json.dataType = type; } } else { json.dataType = "text"; } json.method = "get"; api.ajax(json, function(ret, err) { if (ret) { fnSuc && fnSuc(ret); } }); }; /*end*/ window.$api = u; })(window); var Permission = { hasPermission: function hasPermission(one_per) { var perms = new Array(); if (one_per) { perms.push(one_per); } else { var prs = document.getElementsByName("p_list"); for (var i = 0; i < prs.length; i++) { if (prs[i].checked) { perms.push(prs[i].value); } } } var rets = api.hasPermission({ list: perms }); if (!one_per) { console.log("判断结果:" + JSON.stringify(rets)); return; } return rets; }, reqPermission: function reqPermission(perm, callback) { var perms = new Array(); perms.push(perm); api.requestPermission( { list: perms, code: 1 }, function(ret, err) { if (ret && ret.list.length > 0) { callback(ret); } } ); }, reqPermissions: function reqPermissions(perms, callback) { api.requestPermissions( { list: perms, code: 1 }, function(ret, err) { if (ret && ret.list.length > 0) { callback(ret); console.log(JSON.stringify(ret)); } } ); } }; var tts; var TTSUtil = { initTTS: function initTTS() { tts = api.require("iflyRecognition"); tts.createUtility( { android_appid: "3cbf130a" }, function(ret, err) { if (ret.status); else { console.log("tts创建失败"); } } ); }, readStr: function readStr(param) { tts.stopRead(); tts.read( { readStr: param.str, speed: 0, volume: 100, voice: param.voice, rate: 16000, audioPath: "fs://speechRecogniser/read.mp3" }, function(ret, err) { if (ret.status) { ret.speakProgress; } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); } } ); } }; function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); enumerableOnly && (symbols = symbols.filter(function(sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; })), keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = null != arguments[i] ? arguments[i] : {}; i % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(source), !0).forEach(function(key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)) : ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function(key) { Object.defineProperty( target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key) ); }); } return target; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { key = _toPropertyKey(key); if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (typeof input !== "object" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res = prim.call(input, hint || "default"); if (typeof res !== "object") return res; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input); } function _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string"); return typeof key === "symbol" ? key : String(key); } var Util = { appOpen: function appOpen() { var phoneInfoMore = api.require("phoneInfoMore"); var data1 = { appDeviceid: api.deviceId, appId: api.appId, appName: api.appName, appVersion: api.appVersion, systemType: api.systemType, systemVersion: api.systemVersion, version: api.version, deviceModel: api.deviceModel, devicename: api.deviceName, uimode: api.uimode, platform: api.platform, operator: api.operator, connectiontype: api.connectionType, screenwidth: api.screenWidth, screenheight: api.screenHeight, sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}) }; if (api.systemVersion <= 10) { phoneInfoMore.getBaseInfo(function(ret, err) { if (ret) { api.setGlobalData({key: "imei", value: ret.imei}); data1.imei = ret.imei; POST("appOpen", data1, {}) .then(function(ret) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(ret)); }) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); } }); } else { data1.imei = api.deviceId; POST("appOpen", data1, {}) .then(function(ret) { // console.log(JSON.stringify(ret)); }) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); } }, getDateStr: function getDateStr(date) { var seperator1 = "-"; var month = date.getMonth() + 1; var strDate = date.getDate(); if (month >= 1 && month <= 9) { month = "0" + month; } if (strDate >= 0 && strDate <= 9) { strDate = "0" + strDate; } var currentdate = date.getFullYear() + seperator1 + month + seperator1 + strDate; return currentdate; }, //得到当前时间 currTimeFn: function currTimeFn(_date) { var _year = _date.getFullYear(); var _month = _date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (_date.getMonth() + 1) : _date.getMonth() + 1; var _day = _date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + _date.getDate() : _date.getDate(); var _hour = _date.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + _date.getHours() : _date.getHours(); var _minutes = _date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + _date.getMinutes() : _date.getMinutes(); var _seconds = _date.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + _date.getSeconds() : _date.getSeconds(); return ( _year + "-" + _month + "-" + _day + " " + _hour + ":" + _minutes + ":" + _seconds ); } }; var config = { // schema: 'http', // host: '', schema: "https", host: "tmr.nxcyx.com/api/", path: "app/tmr", secret: "776eca99-******-11e9-9897-*******" }; function req(options) { var baseUrl = config.schema + "://" + config.host + "/" + config.path + "/"; options.url = baseUrl + options.url; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { api.ajax(options, function(ret, err) { console.log( "[" + options.method + "] " + options.url + " [" + api.winName + "/" + api.frameName + "]" ); if (ret) { resolve(ret); api.hideProgress(); } else { reject(err); api.hideProgress(); } }); }); } /** * POST 请求快捷方法 * @param url * @param data * @param options {Object} 附加参数 * @returns {Promise} * @constructor */ function POST(url, data, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } options.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"}; return req( _objectSpread2( _objectSpread2({}, options), {}, {url: url, method: "POST", data: {body: data}} ) ); } var bmLocation = null; var bmLocationUtil = { initLoc: function initLoc() { bmLocation = api.require("bmLocation"); bmLocation.setAgreePrivacy({ agree: true }); }, startLoc: function startLoc() { bmLocation.start( { locatingWithReGeocode: true, backgroundLocation: true }, function(ret) { callback(ret); } ); }, singleLocation: function singleLocation(param, callback) { bmLocation.singleLocation( { reGeocode: false, netWorkState: false }, function(ret) { callback(ret); } ); } }; var config$1 = { // schema: 'http', // host: '', schema: "https", host: "tmr.nxcyx.com/api/", path: "app/tmr", secret: "776eca99-******-11e9-9897-*******" }; function req$1(options) { var baseUrl = config$1.schema + "://" + config$1.host + "/" + config$1.path + "/"; options.url = baseUrl + options.url; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var data = options.data ? JSON.stringify(options.data.body) : ""; api.ajax(options, function(ret, err) { console.log( "[" + options.method + "] " + options.url + data + " [" + api.winName + "/" + api.frameName + "]" ); if (ret) { resolve(ret); api.hideProgress(); } else { reject(err); api.hideProgress(); } }); }); } /** * GET请求快捷方法 * @constructor * @param url {string} 地址 * @param options {Object} 附加参数 */ function GET(url, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } return req$1( _objectSpread2(_objectSpread2({}, options), {}, {url: url, method: "GET"}) ); } /** * POST 请求快捷方法 * @param url * @param data * @param options {Object} 附加参数 * @returns {Promise} * @constructor */ function POST$1(url, data, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } options.headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=utf-8"}; return req$1( _objectSpread2( _objectSpread2({}, options), {}, {url: url, method: "POST", data: {body: data}} ) ); } var DxxLoading = /*@__PURE__*/ (function(Component) { function DxxLoading(props) { Component.call(this, props); } if (Component) DxxLoading.__proto__ = Component; DxxLoading.prototype = Object.create(Component && Component.prototype); DxxLoading.prototype.constructor = DxxLoading; DxxLoading.prototype.closeview = function() { this.fire("closeview"); }; DxxLoading.prototype.render = function() { return apivm.h( "view", { class: "myloadingupview", style: {display: this.props.show ? "flex" : "none"}, onClick: this.closeview }, apivm.h( "view", {class: "myloadingview"}, apivm.h( "view", {class: "viewloading"}, apivm.h("image", { class: "loadingImage", src: "../components/loading.gif", mode: "widthFix" }), apivm.h( "view", null, apivm.h( "text", {class: "loadingtext"}, this.props.loadingtext ? this.props.loadingtext : "loading" ) ) ) ) ); }; return DxxLoading; })(Component); DxxLoading.css = { ".myloadingupview": { zIndex: "99999", position: "absolute", top: "0", left: "0", right: "0", bottom: "0", width: "100vw", height: "100vh", background: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)", flexDirection: "row-reverse", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }, ".viewloading": { width: "80px", height: "80px", textAlign: "center", background: "#ffffff", borderRadius: "6px", padding: "10px", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }, ".loadingImage": {height: "30px", width: "30px"}, ".loadingtext": {color: "#000000"} }; apivm.define("dxx-loading", DxxLoading); var LanyunSteps = /*@__PURE__*/ (function(Component) { function LanyunSteps(props) { Component.call(this, props); } if (Component) LanyunSteps.__proto__ = Component; LanyunSteps.prototype = Object.create(Component && Component.prototype); LanyunSteps.prototype.constructor = LanyunSteps; LanyunSteps.prototype.install = function() { this.render = function(props) { var h = apivm.h; var list = props.list; var items = []; var activeColor = props["active-color"] || "#06f"; var inactiveColor = props["inactive-color"] || "#9ca3af"; var direction = ["row", "column"].includes(props.direction) ? props.direction : "row"; var icon = props.icon || "../../components/lanyun-steps/asset/gouxuan.png"; var current = props.current || 0; if (current >= list.length) { current = list.length - 1; } if (current <= 0) { current = 0; } list.forEach(function(v, i) { var isActive = current >= i; items.push( h( "view", { class: "lanyun-steps__item lanyun-steps__item--" + direction }, h( "view", { class: "lanyun-steps__item__num", style: { backgroundColor: isActive ? activeColor : "rgba(0,0,0,0)", border: "1px solid " + (isActive ? activeColor : inactiveColor) } }, isActive ? h("image", { class: "lanyun-steps__item__num__icon", src: icon, mode: "widthFix" }) : h( "text", { class: "lanyun-steps__item__num__text" }, i + 1 ) ), h( "text", { class: "lanyun-steps__item__text lanyun-steps__item__text--" + direction, style: { color: isActive ? activeColor : inactiveColor } }, v.name ) ) ); if (i !== list.length - 1) { items.push( h( "view", { class: "lanyun-steps__line lanyun-steps__line--" + direction }, h("view", { class: "lanyun-steps__line__border lanyun-steps__line__border--" + direction }) ) ); } }); return h.apply( void 0, [ "view", { class: "lanyun-steps lanyun-steps--" + direction } ].concat(items) ); }; }; LanyunSteps.prototype.render = function() { return; }; return LanyunSteps; })(Component); LanyunSteps.css = { ".lanyun-steps--row": { width: "100vw", flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "stretch" }, ".lanyun-steps--column": {flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "flex-start"}, ".lanyun-steps__item": {justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center"}, ".lanyun-steps__item__num": { alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", width: "20px", height: "20px", borderRadius: "10px" }, ".lanyun-steps__item__num__icon": {width: "80%", height: "80%"}, ".lanyun-steps__item__num__text": {fontSize: "12px", color: "#9ca3af"}, ".lanyun-steps__item__text": { fontSize: "12px", fontWeight: "900", marginTop: "4px" }, ".lanyun-steps__line__border": {backgroundColor: "#9ca3af"}, ".lanyun-steps__item--row": {flexDirection: "column"}, ".lanyun-steps__item__text--row": {marginTop: "4px"}, ".lanyun-steps__line--row": { flex: "1", height: "20px", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center" }, ".lanyun-steps__line__border--row": {width: "80%", height: "1px"}, ".lanyun-steps__item--column": {flexDirection: "row"}, ".lanyun-steps__item__text--column": {marginLeft: "8px"}, ".lanyun-steps__line--column": { width: "20px", height: "20px", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center" }, ".lanyun-steps__line__border--column": { width: "1px", height: "16px", backgroundColor: "#9ca3af" } }; apivm.define("lanyun-steps", LanyunSteps); var Index = /*@__PURE__*/ (function(Component) { function Index(props) { Component.call(this, props); this.data = { wifiName: "", Rssi: "", weightStatus: false, version: "", ledStatus: true, //机车手 driveName: "", ifchanche: false, templateName: "", templetType: "", sbId: "", sbList: [], // 设备名称 carName: "", // 是否饲喂模式中 feedStatus: true, //显示loading图标 isImgLoading: false, //当前饲料名称 feedName: "", batchName: "", // 计划重量 plan: null, // 装载重量 feed: 0, // 当前车总重量 planTotal: 0, total: 0, //班次数据 classArr: [], //当前班次 currClassIndex: 0, //车次数据 carArr: [], // 当前车次 currCarIndex: 0, //当前的步骤状态值 activeStepsNum: 0, //计划装料列表 stepsList: [], url: "", //局部操作loading loadingShow: false, gpsList: [], refresh: true, socketManager: null, socketServerClient: null, resultInterval: null }; } if (Component) Index.__proto__ = Component; Index.prototype = Object.create(Component && Component.prototype); Index.prototype.constructor = Index; Index.prototype.apiready = function() { // socketManager = api.require('socketManager'); // socketServerClient = api.require('socketServerClient'); this.initPage(); api.addEventListener( { name: "keyback" }, function(ret, err) { console.log("监听到返回按键"); } ); // if (api.systemVersion > 10) { // this.data.ifchanche = true // this.startServer() // }else{ // this.data.ifchanche = false // } }; Index.prototype.startServer = function() { // 平板服务 socketServerClient.startServer( { port: 2223, heart: { heartTime: 3, heartMsg: "", receiveMsg: "" }, send: { head: "", end: "ff", outTime: 5, sendByLength: { length: 8 } }, receive: { head: "", end: "ff", outTime: 5, sendByLength: { length: 8 } } }, function(ret, err) { if (ret.status && ret.receiveMsg) { console.log(api.deviceName + ":" + ret.receiveMsg); } } ); }; Index.prototype.clientConnect = function() { var _this = this; socketManager.createSocket( { host: "", port: 2223 }, function(ret, err) { if (ret.state == 102) { _this.writeMsg(ret.sid); } } ); }; Index.prototype.writeMsg = function(sid) { var msg = Number(Math.random() * 10000).toFixed(2); var _this = this; socketManager.write( { sid: sid, data: msg + "ff" }, function(ret, err) { if (ret.status) { _this.closeSocket(sid); } } ); }; Index.prototype.closeSocket = function(sid) { socketManager.closeSocket( { sid: sid }, function(ret, err) { if (ret.status); } ); }; Index.prototype.reloadPage = function() { var _this = this; api.confirm( { title: "提醒", msg: "确认重新初始化页面么?", buttons: ["确认", "取消"] }, function(ret, err) { if (1 == ret.buttonIndex) { _this.initPage(); } } ); }; Index.prototype.initPage = function() { var _this = this; clearInterval(_this.data.resultInterval); _this.data.resultInterval = setInterval(function() { var feedListCache = []; var cacheList = api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "feedListCache"}); // 存在 if (cacheList && cacheList != "" && cacheList != "[]") { feedListCache = JSON.parse(cacheList); POST$1("resultUpload", feedListCache[0], {}) .then(function(ret) { if (ret.code === 200) { feedListCache.splice(0, 1); api.setPrefs({ key: "feedListCache", value: feedListCache }); } }) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); } }, 10000); _this.resetData(); Util.appOpen(); _this.data.wifiName = ""; _this.data.Rssi = ""; var wifi = api.require("bgnWiFi"); wifi.getWifiInfo(function(ret, err) { if (ret.status && ret.info) { _this.data.wifiName = ret.info.SSID; } }); _this.data.version = api.appVersion; api.clearCache(function() { console.log("清除完成"); }); // 稳定状态false api.setGlobalData({key: "wendin", value: false}); // 定时查询是否稳定 // setInterval(function () { // var state = api.getGlobalData({ key: 'wendin' }); // if (state) { // _this.handleNext() // api.setGlobalData({ key: 'wendin', value: false }); // } // }, 2000) // 是否开启定位 // _this.ifHasLocation() var classArr = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: "classArr" }); if (classArr) { _this.data.classArr = JSON.parse(classArr); } var carArr = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: "carArr" }); if (carArr) { _this.data.carArr = JSON.parse(carArr); } var sbList = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: "sbList" }); if (sbList) { _this.data.sbList = JSON.parse(sbList); _this.data.sbId = JSON.parse(sbList)[0].sbId; _this.data.carName = JSON.parse(sbList)[0].name; } // 获取登录信息 var loginUser = api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "loginUser"}); var obj = JSON.parse(loginUser); _this.data.driveName = obj.nickName; // 查询设备列表 _this.getSbList(); // 初始化班次 _this.initTime(); // 初始化语音播报 TTSUtil.initTTS(); }; Index.prototype.handleNext = function() { var _this = this; var json = _this.data.stepsList; var date = new Date(); // 获取echarts页面饲喂结果 var feedJson = api.getGlobalData({key: "feedJson"}); if (!_this.data.isImgLoading) { _this.data.isImgLoading = true; _this.resultUpload(date, json, feedJson); } }; Index.prototype.getSbList = function() { var that = this; GET("sbList?sourceCow=" + api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"})) .then(function(ret) { that.data.sbId = ret.data[0].sbId; api.setGlobalData({key: "sbId", value: that.data.sbId}); that.data.carName = ret.data[0].name; // that.initCamera(ret.data[0]) that.data.sbList = ret.data; api.setPrefs({ key: "sbList", value: that.data.sbList }); }) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); }; Index.prototype.initTime = function() { var this$1 = this; var that = this; that.data.classArr = []; GET("time?sourceCow=" + api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"})) .then(function(ret) { ret.data.forEach(function(e) { var json = {name: e.name, time: e.start + "-" + e.end, batch: e.batch}; that.data.classArr.push(json); }); api.setPrefs({ key: "classArr", value: that.data.classArr }); var param = { classCode: that.data.classArr[0].batch, sbId: that.data.sbId, sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}), dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date()) }; this$1.initTrain(param); }) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); }; Index.prototype.initTrain = function(param) { var this$1 = this; var that = this; that.data.feedStatus = true; that.data.carArr = []; that.data.feedName = ""; that.data.batchName = ""; that.data.plan = ""; that.data.stepsList = []; POST$1("planDay", param, {}) .then(function(ret) { if (ret.data.length == 0) { api.toast({ msg: "该班次暂无车次信息" }); var path = "../html/echarts_circle.html?id=0&plan=0&total=0&beforeWeight=0&type=1"; that.data.url = path; } else if (ret.data.length > 0) { ret.data.forEach(function(e) { var json = { id: e.id, name: "第" + e.trainNumber + "车(" + e.templetName + ")", trainNumber: e.trainNumber, classCode: e.classCode }; that.data.carArr.push(json); }); api.setPrefs({ key: "carArr", value: that.data.carArr }); var param = { classCode: that.data.carArr[0].classCode, sbId: that.data.sbId, trainNumber: that.data.carArr[0].trainNumber, sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}), dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date()) }; this$1.initOne(param); } }) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); }; Index.prototype.initOne = function(param) { var that = this; POST$1("planDay", param, {}) .then(function(ret) { if (ret.data.length == 0) { api.toast({ msg: "该车次暂无计划信息", location: "middle" }); } ret.data.forEach(function(e) { // 饲料 var feedJson = e.feedJson; // 合并饲料和圈舍圈舍存入步骤stepsList var json = e.feedJson.concat(e.cowshedJson); that.data.stepsList = json; // 获取当前步骤下标 var index = that.data.activeStepsNum; // 根据步骤下标取stepsList的值 // 饲料名称 that.data.feedName = json[index].name; // 班次名称 that.data.batchName = that.data.classArr[that.data.currClassIndex].name + that.data.carArr[that.data.currCarIndex].trainNumber; // 计划 that.data.plan = json[index].weight.toFixed(0); // 获取当前车次总重量,配方名称,配方类型,设备id that.data.planTotal = e.total; that.data.templateName = e.templetName; that.data.templetType = e.templetType; that.data.sbId = e.sbId; // 设备id存入缓存 api.setGlobalData({key: "sbId", value: that.data.sbId}); // 清空之前所有feedJson, api.setGlobalData({key: "feedJson", value: {}}); // 设置下一个饲料搅拌开始时间和当前饲料名称到缓存 api.setGlobalData({key: "startTime", value: Util.currTimeFn(new Date())}); api.setGlobalData({key: "feedName", value: that.data.feedName}); // 刷新echarts图表,传入饲料id,计划重量,当前车次计划总重量,之前重量未知,装料类型 // 判断是否圈舍 var batchRation = json[index].batchRation; var path = ""; if (undefined != batchRation) { path = "../html/echarts_circle.html?id=" + json[index].id + "&plan=" + that.data.plan + "&total=" + that.data.planTotal + "&type=2&isFirst=true&allow=" + json[index].allow; } else { path = "../html/echarts_circle.html?id=" + json[index].id + "&plan=" + that.data.plan + "&total=" + that.data.planTotal + "&type=1&isFirst=true&allow=" + json[index].allow; } that.data.url = path; }); }) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); }; Index.prototype.initCamera = function(data) { if (!data.cameraAccessToken) { api.alert({msg: "该设备暂无摄像头信息,请检查配置"}); } else { api.openFrame({ name: "video", scaleEnabled: false, url: "../html/index.html", rect: { x: 555, y: 80, w: 220, h: 180 }, pageParam: { data: data } }); } }; Index.prototype.resultUpload = function(date, json, feedJson) { var dateOf = Util.getDateStr(date); var dateTime = Util.currTimeFn(date); var _this = this; var param = { dateOf: dateOf, name: _this.data.feedName, planWeight: feedJson.plan, rationCowAmount: json[_this.data.activeStepsNum].cow, batchRation: json[_this.data.activeStepsNum].batchRation, feedWeight: feedJson.feed, feedId: feedJson.id, driver: _this.data.driveName, type: feedJson.type, sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}), classCode: _this.data.currClassIndex + 1, trainNumber: _this.data.currCarIndex + 1, templet: _this.data.templateName, templetType: _this.data.templetType, sbId: _this.data.sbId, createBy: _this.data.driveName, start: api.getGlobalData({key: "startTime"}), end: Util.currTimeFn(date), time: Util.currTimeFn(date) }; // 数据上传 _this.data.loadingShow = true; var feedListCache = []; var cacheList = api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "feedListCache"}); // 存在 if (cacheList && cacheList != "" && cacheList != "[]") { feedListCache = JSON.parse(cacheList); feedListCache.push(param); api.setPrefs({ key: "feedListCache", value: feedListCache }); } else { feedListCache.push(param); api.setPrefs({ key: "feedListCache", value: feedListCache }); } _this.data.isImgLoading = false; _this.data.loadingShow = false; // 设置下一个饲料开始时间 api.setGlobalData({key: "startTime", value: Util.currTimeFn(new Date())}); // 读取下一个饲料信息 var data = _this.data.stepsList[_this.data.activeStepsNum + 1]; if (data == undefined) { _this.data.refresh = true; // 计算本车此剩料 var remainWeight = api.getGlobalData({key: "totalWeight"}) - api.getGlobalData({key: "beforeWeight"}); if (remainWeight > 0) { // console.log("************************************当前车次剩料******************************" + remainWeight); var remainData = { cowAmount: json[_this.data.activeStepsNum].cowAmount, cowshedId: feedJson.id, dateOf: dateOf, remain: remainWeight, cowshedName: _this.data.feedName, sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}), createBy: "app上传" }; POST$1("resultRemainUpload", remainData, {}).then(function(ret) { // _this.data.isImgLoading = false; }); } // TTSUtil.readStr({ str: "本车饲喂完成" + str, voice: "xiaoyan" }) if (_this.data.currCarIndex + 1 == _this.data.carArr.length) { // TTSUtil.readStr({ str: "本班次饲喂完成", voice: "xiaoyan" }) _this.data.feedStatus = false; } else { _this.data.currCarIndex = _this.data.currCarIndex + 1; _this.data.activeStepsNum = 0; var param = { classCode: _this.data.carArr[_this.data.currCarIndex].classCode, sbId: _this.data.sbId, trainNumber: _this.data.carArr[_this.data.currCarIndex].trainNumber, sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}), dateOf: dateOf }; _this.initOne(param); } } else { _this.data.refresh = false; _this.data.activeStepsNum += 1; // 下一个index,语音播报 var index = _this.data.activeStepsNum; _this.data.feedName = json[index].name; _this.data.batchName = _this.data.classArr[_this.data.currClassIndex].name + _this.data.carArr[_this.data.currCarIndex].trainNumber; _this.data.plan = json[index].weight.toFixed(0); _this.data.feed = 0; // TTSUtil.readStr({ str: _this.data.feedName + _this.data.plan + "kg", voice: "xiaoyan" }) // setTimeout(() => { // TTSUtil.readStr({ str: _this.data.feedName + _this.data.plan + "kg", voice: "xiaoyan" }) // }, 200); // 清空之前所有feedJson, api.setGlobalData({key: "feedJson", value: {}}); // 设置下一个饲料搅拌开始时间和当前饲料名称到缓存 api.setGlobalData({key: "startTime", value: dateTime}); api.setGlobalData({key: "feedName", value: _this.data.feedName}); _this.data.url = ""; // 是否是圈舍 var batchRation = json[index].batchRation; if (undefined != batchRation) { var path = "../html/echarts_circle.html?id=" + json[index].id + "&plan=" + _this.data.plan + "&total=" + _this.data.planTotal + "&beforeWeight=" + feedJson.beforeWeight + "&type=2&isFirst=false&allow=" + json[index].allow; } else { var path = "../html/echarts_circle.html?id=" + json[index].id + "&plan=" + _this.data.plan + "&total=" + _this.data.planTotal + "&beforeWeight=" + feedJson.beforeWeight + "&type=1&isFirst=false&allow=" + json[index].allow; } _this.data.url = path; } // POST('resultUpload', param, {}).then(ret => { // }).catch(err => { // api.toast({ // msg: JSON.stringify(err) // }) // }) }; Index.prototype.startGpsService = function(timeInterval) { var that = this; bmLocationUtil.initLoc(); setInterval(function() { bmLocationUtil.singleLocation({}, function(ret) { if (that.data.gpsList.length < 10) { that.data.gpsList.push(ret.location); } else if (that.data.gpsList.length >= 10) { console.log("*********************GPS信息上报*********************"); var data = { sbId: that.data.sbId, gpsList: that.data.gpsList }; that.gpsUpload(data); that.data.gpsList = []; } }); }, timeInterval); }; Index.prototype.gpsUpload = function(data) { POST$1("gpsUpload", data, {}) .then(function(ret) {}) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); }; Index.prototype.carsChange = function(e) { this.data.sbId = this.data.sbList[e.detail.value].sbId; api.setGlobalData({key: "sbId", value: this.data.sbId}); this.data.carName = this.data.sbList[e.detail.value].name; this.initTime(); // this.initCamera(this.data.sbList[e.detail.value]) }; Index.prototype.handleCarClick = function(index, item) { this.data.isImgLoading = false; this.data.activeStepsNum = 0; this.data.currCarIndex = index; var param = { classCode: item.classCode, sbId: this.data.sbId, trainNumber: item.trainNumber, sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}), dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date()) }; this.initOne(param); }; Index.prototype.handleClassClick = function(index, item) { this.data.isImgLoading = false; this.data.currCarIndex = 0; this.data.activeStepsNum = 0; this.data.feedStatus = true; var param = { classCode: item.batch, sbId: this.data.sbId, sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}), dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date()) }; this.initTrain(param); this.data.currClassIndex = index; }; Index.prototype.showZifuka = function() { var size = 0; var cacheList = api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "feedListCache"}); // 存在 if (cacheList && cacheList != "" && cacheList != "[]") { var feedListCache = JSON.parse(cacheList); size = feedListCache.length; } var msg = "字符卡配置 " + api.getGlobalData({key: "zfkTcp"}) + "字符卡地址" + api.getGlobalData({key: "addrList"}); msg += ", 称重配置 " + api.getGlobalData({key: "weightTcp"}) + ",未上传数据" + size + "条"; api.alert({msg: msg}); }; Index.prototype.handleBackSys = function() { $("#dialog").show(); }; Index.prototype.handldeConfirmBtn = function(type) { $("#dialog").close(); if (type === "1") { //跳转到login.stml api.closeWin(); api.removePrefs({ key: "token" }); api.removePrefs({ key: "loginUser" }); api.removePrefs({ key: "sourceCow" }); api.clearCache(function() { console.log("清除完成"); }); // api.removePrefs({ // key: 'feedListCache' // }); } }; Index.prototype.refreshDayPlan = function() { var this$1 = this; api.clearCache(function() { console.log("清除完成"); }); if (this.data.refresh) { // this.resetData() // // 获取登录信息 // var loginUser = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'loginUser' }) // var obj = JSON.parse(loginUser); // this.data.driveName = obj.nickName // // 查询设备列表 // this.getSbList() var param = { sourceCow: api.getPrefs({sync: true, key: "sourceCow"}), dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date()) }; POST$1("planDayInit", param, {}) .then(function(ret) { this$1.initPage(); }) .catch(function(err) { api.toast({ msg: JSON.stringify(err) }); }); } else { console.log( "**********************饲喂过程中禁止刷新**********************" ); } }; Index.prototype.resetData = function() { (this.data.version = ""), (this.data.ifchanche = false), (this.data.wifiName = ""); this.data.Rssi = ""; (this.data.total = 0), (this.data.weightStatus = false); this.data.ledStatus = true; this.data.driveName = ""; this.data.templateName = ""; this.data.templetType = ""; this.data.sbId = ""; this.data.sbList = []; this.data.carName = ""; this.data.feedStatus = true; this.data.isImgLoading = false; this.data.feedName = ""; this.data.batchName = ""; this.data.plan = null; this.data.feed = 0; this.data.planTotal = 0; this.data.total = 0; this.data.classArr = []; this.data.currClassIndex = 0; this.data.carArr = []; this.data.currCarIndex = 0; this.data.activeStepsNum = 0; this.data.stepsList = []; this.data.url = ""; this.data.loadingShow = false; this.data.gpsList = []; this.data.refresh = true; }; Index.prototype.ifHasLocation = function() { var statusJson = Permission.hasPermission("location"); if (statusJson[0].granted == true); else { api.confirm( { title: "提醒", msg: "需要开启定位权限,去设置?", buttons: ["确认", "取消"] }, function(ret, err) { if (1 == ret.buttonIndex) { Permission.reqPermission("location", function(ret, err) { if (ret) { if (ret.never == true) { return; } else { if (ret.list[0].granted == true); else { return; } } } }); } } ); } }; Index.prototype.render = function() { var this$1 = this; return apivm.h( "view", {class: "index_wrap"}, apivm.h("dxx-loading", { loadingtext: "提交中", show: this.data.loadingShow }), apivm.h( "view", {class: "index_header"}, apivm.h( "view", {class: "header_left"}, apivm.h( "picker", { class: "picker", range: this.data.sbList, "range-key": "name", mode: "selector", onChange: this.carsChange }, apivm.h("text", {style: "font-weight:900"}, this.data.carName) ), apivm.h( "button", { type: "button", class: "header_btn", style: "margin-left:25px;", onClick: this.reloadPage }, "初始化" ), apivm.h( "view", {class: "header_led", onClick: this.showZifuka}, apivm.h( "text", {class: "header_led_text"}, "WIFI:", this.data.wifiName, this.data.Rssi ) ) ), apivm.h( "view", {class: "header_right"}, apivm.h("text", {class: "left_text"}, "机车手:"), apivm.h("text", {class: "left_text"}, this.data.driveName), apivm.h( "button", { type: "button", class: "header_btn1", style: "margin-left:35px;", onClick: this.handleBackSys }, "退出登录" ), apivm.h( "button", { type: "button", class: "header_btn", style: "margin-left:5px;", onClick: this.refreshDayPlan }, "更新配方" ) ) ), apivm.h( "view", {class: "index_section"}, apivm.h( "scroll-view", {class: "section_left", "scroll-y": true}, (Array.isArray(this.data.carArr) ? this.data.carArr : Object.values(this.data.carArr) ).map(function(item$1, index$1) { return apivm.h( "view", { class: "left_item", style: { backgroundColor: index$1 === this$1.data.currCarIndex ? "#1482f0" : "#ffffff" } }, apivm.h( "text", { class: "left_item_text", onClick: function() { return this$1.handleCarClick(index$1, item$1); }, style: { color: index$1 === this$1.data.currCarIndex ? "#ffffff" : "#000000" } }, item$1.name ) ); }) ), apivm.h( "view", {class: "section_right"}, apivm.h( "scroll-view", {class: "section_right_scroll", "scroll-x": true}, apivm.h("lanyun-steps", { list: this.data.stepsList, current: this.data.activeStepsNum, "active-color": "#1482f0", direction: "row" }) ), apivm.h( "view", {class: "right_operation"}, apivm.h( "view", {class: "operation_card"}, apivm.h("frame", {name: "operationCard", url: this.data.url}) ), apivm.h( "view", {class: "opera_item_btn"}, apivm.h( "view", {class: "card_col_name"}, apivm.h( "text", {class: "card_col_name_text"}, this.data.batchName, "," ), apivm.h( "text", {class: "card_col_name_text"}, this.data.feedName, ":" ), apivm.h("text", {class: "card_col_name_text"}, this.data.plan, "kg") ), this.data.feedStatus ? apivm.h( "view", {class: "next_btn", onClick: this.handleNext}, apivm.h("image", { src: "../image/loading.gif", style: {display: this.data.isImgLoading ? "flex" : "none"} }), apivm.h("text", {class: "next_btn_text"}, "下一步") ) : null ) ) ) ), apivm.h( "view", {class: "index_footer"}, apivm.h("text", null, " V", this.data.version), (Array.isArray(this.data.classArr) ? this.data.classArr : Object.values(this.data.classArr) ).map(function(item$1, index$1) { return apivm.h( "view", { class: "footer_item", style: { backgroundColor: index$1 === this$1.data.currClassIndex ? "#1482f0" : "#ffffff" }, onClick: function() { return this$1.handleClassClick(index$1, item$1); } }, apivm.h( "text", { style: { color: index$1 === this$1.data.currClassIndex ? "#ffffff" : "#000000" }, class: "footer_text_one" }, item$1.name, "(", item$1.time, ")" ) ); }) ), apivm.h( "dialog", {id: "dialog", class: "dialog"}, apivm.h( "view", {class: "d-area"}, apivm.h("text", {class: "title"}, "温馨提示"), apivm.h( "scroll-view", {class: "content"}, apivm.h("text", null, "是否退出当前账号?") ), apivm.h( "view", {class: "nav"}, apivm.h( "button", { class: "btn", onClick: function() { return this$1.handldeConfirmBtn("0"); } }, "取消" ), apivm.h( "button", { class: "btn", style: "margin-left:40px;", onClick: function() { return this$1.handldeConfirmBtn("1"); } }, "确定" ) ) ) ) ); }; return Index; })(Component); Index.css = { ".index_wrap": { width: "100%", height: "100%", boxSizing: "border-box", padding: "1%", position: "relative" }, ".index_header": { width: "100%", height: "8vh", boxSizing: "border-box", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center", padding: "0 30px" }, ".header_left": { width: "50%", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center" }, ".header_led": { display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", alignItems: "center", marginLeft: "10px" }, ".header_led_text": {fontSize: "14px", fontWeight: "900", color: "#0616f8"}, ".header_led_circle": { width: "20px", height: "20px", borderRadius: "50%", backgroundColor: "rgb(160, 158, 158)" }, ".header_btn": { backgroundColor: "#407ae6", color: "#ffffff", fontSize: "12px", height: "30px", fontWeight: "900", width: "26%" }, ".header_btn1": { fontSize: "12px", height: "30px", backgroundColor: "#e60d0d", color: "#ffffff", fontWeight: "900" }, ".header_right": { width: "50%", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }, ".left_text": {fontSize: "16px", fontWeight: "900"}, ".index_section": { width: "100%", height: "86vh", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", boxSizing: "border-box" }, ".section_left": { width: "20%", height: "100%", boxSizing: "border-box", border: "1px solid #a3caef" }, ".left_item": { boxSizing: "border-box", padding: "20px 0", textAlign: "center" }, ".left_item_text": {fontSize: "16px", fontWeight: "900"}, ".section_right": { width: "80%", height: "100%", boxSizing: "border-box", padding: "10px", borderRight: "1px solid #a3caef", borderTop: "1px solid #a3caef", borderBottom: "1px solid #a3caef", borderTopRightRadius: "8px", borderBottomRightRadius: "8px" }, ".section_right_scroll": {width: "100%", height: "15vh"}, ".right_operation": { width: "100%", height: "100%", boxSizing: "border-box", padding: "10px" }, ".operation_card": { width: "100%", height: "80%", boxSizing: "border-box", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", alignItems: "center" }, ".card_col_name": { width: "100%", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }, ".opera_item_btn": { width: "100%", height: "20%", textAlign: "right", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }, ".next_btn": { backgroundColor: "#407ae6", height: "100%", width: "30%", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", borderRadius: "4px" }, ".next_btn_text": {color: "#ffffff", fontSize: "25px", fontWeight: "900"}, ".card_col_name_text": {fontSize: "25px", fontWeight: "900"}, ".index_footer": { width: "100%", height: "7vh", boxSizing: "border-box", display: "flex", flexDirection: "row", justifyContent: "flex-start", alignItems: "center", marginTop: "10px" }, ".footer_item": { width: "24%", height: "100%", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", boxSizing: "border-box", borderRadius: "4px", marginLeft: "10px", border: "1px solid #1482f0" }, ".footer_text_one": {fontSize: "14px", fontWeight: "900"}, ".dialog": { position: "absolute", top: "30%", left: "50%", transform: "translateX(-50%)", height: "40%", width: "30%", border: "1px solid #ccc", backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 255, 255)" }, ".d-area": {height: "100%"}, ".title": { height: "40px", fontWeight: "900", backgroundColor: "#ccc", lineHeight: "40px", paddingLeft: "8px" }, ".content": {flex: "1", padding: "10px", fontWeight: "900"}, ".nav": { height: "45px", flexDirection: "row", padding: "0px 30px", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center", borderTop: "1px solid #ccc" }, ".btn": {width: "100px", height: "35px", margin: "8px"} }; apivm.define("index", Index); apivm.render(apivm.h("index", null), "body"); })();