1112 lines
28 KiB
1112 lines
28 KiB
![]() |
<view class="index_wrap">
<dxx-loading loadingtext="提交中" :show="loadingShow"></dxx-loading>
<view class="index_header">
<view class="header_left">
<picker class="picker" range={sbList} range-key="name" mode="selector" onChange={this.carsChange}>
<text style="font-weight:900">{carName}</text>
<button type="button" class="header_btn" style="margin-left:25px;" @click="reloadPage">初始化</button>
<view class="header_led" @click="showZifuka">
<text class="header_led_text">WIFI:{{wifiName}}{{Rssi}}</text>
<view class="header_right">
<text class="left_text">机车手:</text>
<text class="left_text">{driveName}</text>
<button type="button" class="header_btn1" style="margin-left:35px;" @click="handleBackSys">退出登录</button>
<button type="button" class="header_btn" style="margin-left:5px;" @click="refreshDayPlan">更新配方</button>
<view class="index_section">
<scroll-view class="section_left" scroll-y>
<view v-for="(item,index) in carArr" class="left_item"
:style="{backgroundColor:index === currCarIndex?'#1482f0':'#ffffff'}">
<text class="left_item_text" @click="handleCarClick(index, item)"
:style="{color:index === currCarIndex?'#ffffff':'#000000'}">{item.name}</text>
<view class="section_right">
<scroll-view class="section_right_scroll" scroll-x>
<lanyun-steps :list="stepsList" :current="activeStepsNum" active-color="#1482f0" direction="row" />
<view class="right_operation">
<view class="operation_card">
<frame name="operationCard" v-bind:url="url"></frame>
<view class="opera_item_btn">
<view class="card_col_name">
<text class="card_col_name_text">{{batchName}},</text>
<text class="card_col_name_text">{{feedName}}:</text>
<text class="card_col_name_text">{{plan}}kg</text>
<view class="next_btn" @click="handleNext" v-if="feedStatus">
<image src="../image/loading.gif" v-show="isImgLoading" />
<text class="next_btn_text">下一步</text>
<view class="index_footer">
<text> V{{version}}</text>
<view v-for="(item,index) in classArr" class="footer_item"
:style="{backgroundColor:index === currClassIndex?'#1482f0':'#ffffff'}"
<text :style="{color:index === currClassIndex?'#ffffff':'#000000'}"
<dialog id="dialog" class='dialog'>
<view class='d-area'>
<text class='title'>温馨提示</text>
<scroll-view class="content">
<view class='nav'>
<button class="btn" @click="handldeConfirmBtn('0')">取消</button>
<button class="btn" style='margin-left:40px;' @click="handldeConfirmBtn('1')">确定</button>
import "../components/lanyun-steps.stml"
import "../components/dxx-loading.stml"
import { POST, GET } from '../script/req.js'
import { socketUtil } from '../script/module/socket.js'
import { bmLocationUtil } from '../script/module/location.js'
import { Util } from '../script/util.js'
import { TTSUtil } from '../script/module/tts.js'
import { Permission } from '../script/permission.js'
import '../script/api.js'
export default {
name: 'index',
data() {
return {
wifiName: '',
Rssi: '',
weightStatus: false,
version: '',
ledStatus: true,
driveName: '',
ifchanche: false,
templateName: '',
templetType: '',
sbId: '',
sbList: [],
// 设备名称
carName: '',
// 是否饲喂模式中
feedStatus: true,
isImgLoading: false,
feedName: '',
batchName: '',
// 计划重量
plan: null,
// 装载重量
feed: 0,
// 当前车总重量
planTotal: 0,
total: 0,
classArr: [],
currClassIndex: 0,
carArr: [],
// 当前车次
currCarIndex: 0,
activeStepsNum: 0,
stepsList: [],
url: '',
loadingShow: false,
gpsList: [],
refresh: true,
socketManager: null,
socketServerClient: null,
methods: {
apiready() {
// socketManager = api.require('socketManager');
// socketServerClient = api.require('socketServerClient');
name : 'keyback'
}, function(ret, err) {
// if (api.systemVersion > 10) {
// this.data.ifchanche = true
// this.startServer()
// }else{
// this.data.ifchanche = false
// }
startServer() {
let _this = this
// 平板服务
port: 2223,
heart: {
heartTime: 3,
heartMsg: '',
receiveMsg: ''
send: {
head: '',
end: 'ff',
outTime: 5,
sendByLength: {
length: 8
receive: {
head: '',
end: 'ff',
outTime: 5,
sendByLength: {
length: 8
}, function (ret, err) {
if (ret.status && ret.receiveMsg) {
console.log(api.deviceName + ':' + ret.receiveMsg)
// 主机连接
clientConnect() {
let _this = this;
host: '',
port: 2223
}, function (ret, err) {
if (ret.state == 102) {
writeMsg(sid) {
var msg = Number(Math.random() * 10000).toFixed(2)
let _this = this;
sid: sid,
data: msg + 'ff'
}, function (ret, err) {
if (ret.status) {
closeSocket(sid) {
sid: sid
}, function (ret, err) {
if (ret.status) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(ret));
} else {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(err));
reloadPage() {
let _this = this;
title: '提醒',
msg: '确认重新初始化页面么?',
buttons: ['确认', '取消']
}, function (ret, err) {
if (1 == ret.buttonIndex) {
initPage() {
let _this = this
_this.data.resultInterval = setInterval(function () {
var feedListCache = []
var cacheList = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'feedListCache' })
// 存在
if (cacheList && cacheList!='' && cacheList!='[]') {
feedListCache = JSON.parse(cacheList)
POST('resultUpload', feedListCache[0], {}).then(ret => {
if (ret.code === 200) {
key: 'feedListCache',
value: feedListCache
}).catch(err => {
msg: JSON.stringify(err)
}, 10000);
_this.data.wifiName = ''
_this.data.Rssi = ''
var wifi = api.require('bgnWiFi');
wifi.getWifiInfo(function (ret, err) {
if (ret.status && ret.info) {
_this.data.wifiName = ret.info.SSID
_this.data.version = api.appVersion
api.clearCache(function() {
// 稳定状态false
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'wendin', value: false });
// 定时查询是否稳定
// setInterval(function () {
// var state = api.getGlobalData({ key: 'wendin' });
// if (state) {
// _this.handleNext()
// api.setGlobalData({ key: 'wendin', value: false });
// }
// }, 2000)
// 是否开启定位
// _this.ifHasLocation()
var classArr = api.getPrefs({
sync: true,
key: 'classArr'
if (classArr) {
_this.data.classArr = JSON.parse(classArr)
var carArr = api.getPrefs({
sync: true,
key: 'carArr'
if (carArr) {
_this.data.carArr = JSON.parse(carArr)
var sbList = api.getPrefs({
sync: true,
key: 'sbList'
if (sbList) {
_this.data.sbList = JSON.parse(sbList)
_this.data.sbId = JSON.parse(sbList)[0].sbId;
_this.data.carName = JSON.parse(sbList)[0].name;
// 获取登录信息
var loginUser = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'loginUser' })
var obj = JSON.parse(loginUser);
_this.data.driveName = obj.nickName
// 查询设备列表
// 初始化班次
// 初始化语音播报
handleNext() {
let _this = this;
var json = _this.data.stepsList;
var date = new Date()
// 获取echarts页面饲喂结果
var feedJson = api.getGlobalData({ key: 'feedJson' });
if (!_this.data.isImgLoading) {
_this.data.isImgLoading = true;
_this.resultUpload(date, json, feedJson)
* 查询设备列表
getSbList() {
let that = this;
GET('sbList?sourceCow=' + api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' })).then(ret => {
that.data.sbId = ret.data[0].sbId;
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'sbId', value: that.data.sbId });
that.data.carName = ret.data[0].name;
// that.initCamera(ret.data[0])
that.data.sbList = ret.data;
key: 'sbList',
value: that.data.sbList
}).catch(err => {
msg: JSON.stringify(err)
* 初始化班次
initTime() {
let that = this
that.data.classArr = []
GET('time?sourceCow=' + api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' })).then(ret => {
ret.data.forEach(e => {
var json = { name: e.name, time: e.start + '-' + e.end, batch: e.batch }
key: 'classArr',
value: that.data.classArr
var param = {
classCode: that.data.classArr[0].batch,
sbId: that.data.sbId,
sourceCow: api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' }),
dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date())
}).catch(err => {
msg: JSON.stringify(err)
* 初始化当前班次所有车次
initTrain(param) {
let that = this;
that.data.feedStatus = true
that.data.carArr = []
that.data.feedName = '';
that.data.batchName = '';
that.data.plan = '';
that.data.stepsList = []
POST('planDay', param, {}).then(ret => {
if (ret.data.length == 0) {
msg: "该班次暂无车次信息"
var path = '../html/echarts_circle.html?id=0&plan=0&total=0&beforeWeight=0&type=1'
that.data.url = path
} else if (ret.data.length > 0) {
ret.data.forEach(e => {
let json = { id: e.id, name: '第' + e.trainNumber + '车(' + e.templetName + ')', trainNumber: e.trainNumber, classCode: e.classCode };
key: 'carArr',
value: that.data.carArr
var param = {
classCode: that.data.carArr[0].classCode,
sbId: that.data.sbId,
trainNumber: that.data.carArr[0].trainNumber,
sourceCow: api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' }),
dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date())
}).catch(err => {
msg: JSON.stringify(err)
* 初始化当前班次每一车
initOne(param) {
let that = this;
POST('planDay', param, {}).then(ret => {
if (ret.data.length == 0) {
msg: '该车次暂无计划信息',
location: 'middle'
ret.data.forEach(e => {
// 饲料
let feedJson = e.feedJson;
// 合并饲料和圈舍圈舍存入步骤stepsList
let json = [...e.feedJson, ...e.cowshedJson]
that.data.stepsList = json;
// 获取当前步骤下标
var index = that.data.activeStepsNum;
// 根据步骤下标取stepsList的值
// 饲料名称
that.data.feedName = json[index].name
// 班次名称
that.data.batchName = that.data.classArr[that.data.currClassIndex].name + that.data.carArr[that.data.currCarIndex].trainNumber
// 计划
that.data.plan = json[index].weight.toFixed(0)
// 获取当前车次总重量,配方名称,配方类型,设备id
that.data.planTotal = e.total
that.data.templateName = e.templetName
that.data.templetType = e.templetType
that.data.sbId = e.sbId
// 设备id存入缓存
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'sbId', value: that.data.sbId });
// 清空之前所有feedJson,
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'feedJson', value: {} });
// 设置下一个饲料搅拌开始时间和当前饲料名称到缓存
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'startTime', value: Util.currTimeFn(new Date()) });
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'feedName', value: that.data.feedName });
// 刷新echarts图表,传入饲料id,计划重量,当前车次计划总重量,之前重量未知,装料类型
// 判断是否圈舍
var batchRation = json[index].batchRation
var path = '';
if (undefined != batchRation) {
path = '../html/echarts_circle.html?id=' + json[index].id + '&plan=' + that.data.plan + '&total=' + that.data.planTotal + '&type=2&isFirst=true&allow=' + json[index].allow
} else {
path = '../html/echarts_circle.html?id=' + json[index].id + '&plan=' + that.data.plan + '&total=' + that.data.planTotal + '&type=1&isFirst=true&allow=' + json[index].allow
that.data.url = path
}).catch(err => {
msg: JSON.stringify(err)
initCamera(data) {
let _this = this;
if (!data.cameraAccessToken) {
api.alert({ msg: "该设备暂无摄像头信息,请检查配置" });
} else {
name: 'video',
scaleEnabled: false,
url: '../html/index.html',
rect: {
x: 555,
y: 80,
w: 220,
h: 180,
pageParam: {
data: data
resultUpload(date, json, feedJson) {
var dateOf = Util.getDateStr(date);
var dateTime = Util.currTimeFn(date)
let _this = this;
var param = {
dateOf: dateOf,
name: _this.data.feedName,
planWeight: feedJson.plan,
rationCowAmount: json[_this.data.activeStepsNum].cow,
batchRation: json[_this.data.activeStepsNum].batchRation,
feedWeight: feedJson.feed,
feedId: feedJson.id,
driver: _this.data.driveName,
type: feedJson.type,
sourceCow: api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' }),
classCode: _this.data.currClassIndex + 1,
trainNumber: _this.data.currCarIndex + 1,
templet: _this.data.templateName,
templetType: _this.data.templetType,
sbId: _this.data.sbId,
createBy: _this.data.driveName,
start: api.getGlobalData({ key: 'startTime' }),
end: Util.currTimeFn(date),
time: Util.currTimeFn(date)
// 数据上传
_this.data.loadingShow = true;
var feedListCache = []
var cacheList = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'feedListCache' })
// 存在
if (cacheList && cacheList!='' && cacheList!='[]') {
feedListCache = JSON.parse(cacheList)
key: 'feedListCache',
value: feedListCache
key: 'feedListCache',
value: feedListCache
_this.data.isImgLoading = false;
_this.data.loadingShow = false;
// 设置下一个饲料开始时间
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'startTime', value: Util.currTimeFn(new Date()) });
// 读取下一个饲料信息
var data = _this.data.stepsList[_this.data.activeStepsNum + 1];
if (data == undefined) {
_this.data.refresh = true
// 计算本车此剩料
var remainWeight = api.getGlobalData({ key: 'totalWeight' }) - api.getGlobalData({ key: 'beforeWeight' })
var str = "";
if (remainWeight > 0) {
str = "剩料" + str + remainWeight + "kg";
// console.log("************************************当前车次剩料******************************" + remainWeight);
var remainData = {
cowAmount: json[_this.data.activeStepsNum].cowAmount,
cowshedId: feedJson.id,
dateOf: dateOf,
remain: remainWeight,
cowshedName: _this.data.feedName,
sourceCow: api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' }),
createBy: "app上传"
POST('resultRemainUpload', remainData, {}).then(ret => {
// _this.data.isImgLoading = false;
// TTSUtil.readStr({ str: "本车饲喂完成" + str, voice: "xiaoyan" })
if (_this.data.currCarIndex + 1 == _this.data.carArr.length) {
// TTSUtil.readStr({ str: "本班次饲喂完成", voice: "xiaoyan" })
_this.data.feedStatus = false
} else {
_this.data.currCarIndex = _this.data.currCarIndex + 1
_this.data.activeStepsNum = 0
var param = {
classCode: _this.data.carArr[_this.data.currCarIndex].classCode,
sbId: _this.data.sbId,
trainNumber: _this.data.carArr[_this.data.currCarIndex].trainNumber,
sourceCow: api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' }),
dateOf: dateOf
} else {
_this.data.refresh = false
_this.data.activeStepsNum += 1;
// 下一个index,语音播报
var index = _this.data.activeStepsNum;
_this.data.feedName = json[index].name
_this.data.batchName = _this.data.classArr[_this.data.currClassIndex].name + _this.data.carArr[_this.data.currCarIndex].trainNumber
_this.data.plan = json[index].weight.toFixed(0)
_this.data.feed = 0;
// TTSUtil.readStr({ str: _this.data.feedName + _this.data.plan + "kg", voice: "xiaoyan" })
// setTimeout(() => {
// TTSUtil.readStr({ str: _this.data.feedName + _this.data.plan + "kg", voice: "xiaoyan" })
// }, 200);
// 清空之前所有feedJson,
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'feedJson', value: {} });
// 设置下一个饲料搅拌开始时间和当前饲料名称到缓存
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'startTime', value: dateTime });
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'feedName', value: _this.data.feedName });
_this.data.url = ''
// 是否是圈舍
var batchRation = json[index].batchRation
if (undefined != batchRation) {
var path = '../html/echarts_circle.html?id=' + json[index].id + '&plan=' + _this.data.plan + '&total=' + _this.data.planTotal + '&beforeWeight=' + feedJson.beforeWeight + '&type=2&isFirst=false&allow=' + json[index].allow
} else {
var path = '../html/echarts_circle.html?id=' + json[index].id + '&plan=' + _this.data.plan + '&total=' + _this.data.planTotal + '&beforeWeight=' + feedJson.beforeWeight + '&type=1&isFirst=false&allow=' + json[index].allow
_this.data.url = path
// POST('resultUpload', param, {}).then(ret => {
// }).catch(err => {
// api.toast({
// msg: JSON.stringify(err)
// })
// })
// gps数据上报
startGpsService(timeInterval) {
let that = this;
setInterval(function () {
bmLocationUtil.singleLocation({}, function (ret) {
if (that.data.gpsList.length < 10) {
} else if (that.data.gpsList.length >= 10) {
var data = {
sbId: that.data.sbId,
gpsList: that.data.gpsList,
that.data.gpsList = []
}, timeInterval)
* 定位数据上报
gpsUpload(data) {
POST('gpsUpload', data, {}).then(ret => {
}).catch(err => {
msg: JSON.stringify(err)
carsChange(e) {
this.data.sbId = this.data.sbList[e.detail.value].sbId;
api.setGlobalData({ key: 'sbId', value: this.data.sbId });
this.data.carName = this.data.sbList[e.detail.value].name;
// this.initCamera(this.data.sbList[e.detail.value])
handleCarClick(index, item) {
this.data.isImgLoading = false;
this.data.activeStepsNum = 0
this.data.currCarIndex = index;
var param = {
classCode: item.classCode,
sbId: this.data.sbId,
trainNumber: item.trainNumber,
sourceCow: api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' }),
dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date())
handleClassClick(index, item) {
this.data.isImgLoading = false;
this.data.currCarIndex = 0
this.data.activeStepsNum = 0
this.data.feedStatus = true
var param = {
classCode: item.batch,
sbId: this.data.sbId,
sourceCow: api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' }),
dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date())
this.data.currClassIndex = index;
// 字符卡配置信息
showZifuka() {
var size = 0;
var cacheList = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'feedListCache' })
// 存在
if (cacheList && cacheList!='' && cacheList!='[]') {
var feedListCache = JSON.parse(cacheList)
size = feedListCache.length
var msg = "字符卡配置 " + api.getGlobalData({ key: 'zfkTcp' }) + '字符卡地址' + api.getGlobalData({ key: 'addrList' })
msg += ", 称重配置 " + api.getGlobalData({ key: 'weightTcp' }) + ',未上传数据'+size+'条'
api.alert({ msg: msg });
// imgUpload(date){
// let _this = this;
// ezopenUtil.capPicture(function (ret) {
// api.ajax({
// url: '',
// method: 'post',
// data: {
// values: {
// name: _this.data.feedName+date.getTime()
// },
// files: {
// file: ret.path
// }
// }
// },function(ret,err){
// });
// })
// },
handleBackSys() {
handldeConfirmBtn(type) {
if (type === '1') {
key: 'token'
key: 'loginUser'
key: 'sourceCow'
api.clearCache(function() {
// api.removePrefs({
// key: 'feedListCache'
// });
* 更新配方
refreshDayPlan() {
api.clearCache(function() {
if (this.data.refresh) {
// this.resetData()
// // 获取登录信息
// var loginUser = api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'loginUser' })
// var obj = JSON.parse(loginUser);
// this.data.driveName = obj.nickName
// // 查询设备列表
// this.getSbList()
var param = {
sourceCow: api.getPrefs({ sync: true, key: 'sourceCow' }),
dateOf: Util.getDateStr(new Date())
POST('planDayInit', param, {}).then(ret => {
}).catch(err => {
msg: JSON.stringify(err)
} else {
* 重置数据
resetData() {
this.data.version= '',
this.data.ifchanche= false,
this.data.wifiName= ''
this.data.Rssi= ''
this.data.total = 0,
this.data.weightStatus = false
this.data.ledStatus = true
this.data.driveName = ''
this.data.templateName = ''
this.data.templetType = ''
this.data.sbId = ''
this.data.sbList = []
this.data.carName = ''
this.data.feedStatus = true
this.data.isImgLoading = false
this.data.feedName = ''
this.data.batchName = ''
this.data.plan = null
this.data.feed = 0
this.data.planTotal = 0
this.data.total = 0
this.data.classArr = []
this.data.currClassIndex = 0
this.data.carArr = []
this.data.currCarIndex = 0
this.data.activeStepsNum = 0
this.data.stepsList = []
this.data.url = ''
this.data.loadingShow = false
this.data.gpsList = []
this.data.refresh = true
ifHasLocation() {
var statusJson = Permission.hasPermission('location');
if (statusJson[0].granted == true) {
// this.startGpsService(600000);
} else {
title: '提醒',
msg: '需要开启定位权限,去设置?',
buttons: ['确认', '取消']
}, function (ret, err) {
if (1 == ret.buttonIndex) {
Permission.reqPermission('location', function (ret, err) {
if (ret) {
if (ret.never == true) {
} else {
if (ret.list[0].granted == true) {
// this.startGpsService(600000);
} else {
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color: #ffffff;
/*平板 */
/* font-size: 20px;
height: 40px; */
/*手机 */
font-size: 12px;
height: 30px;
font-weight: 900;
width: 26%;
.header_btn1 {
/*平板 */
/* font-size: 20px;
height: 40px; */
/*手机 */
font-size: 12px;
height: 30px;
background-color: #e60d0d;
color: #ffffff;
font-weight: 900;
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/* 平板 */
/* font-size: 26px; */
/* 手机 */
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 900;
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text-align: center;
.left_item_text {
/*平板 */
/* font-size: 26px; */
/*手机 */
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 900;
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width: 80%;
height: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 10px;
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height: 15vh;
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height: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 10px;
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height: 80%;
box-sizing: border-box;
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height: 20%;
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.next_btn {
background-color: #407ae6;
/* height: 70px; */
height: 100%;
width: 30%;
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align-items: center;
border-radius: 4px;
.next_btn_text {
color: #ffffff;
/* font-size:35px; */
font-size: 25px;
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font-size: 25px;
font-weight: 900;
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/* 弹窗样式 --start */
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margin: 8px;
/* 弹窗样式 --end */