This commit is contained in:
duxp 2023-09-14 11:37:37 +08:00
parent 5d4db27e1f
commit 2ea8eed23a
380 changed files with 121225 additions and 269 deletions

View File

@ -104,6 +104,17 @@ public class TAmentPartyAffairsController extends BaseController
return prefix + "/viewFiles"; return prefix + "/viewFiles";
} }
* 上传图片页面
* @return
public String prePdf()
return prefix + "/prePdf";
/** /**
* *

View File

@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ spring:
# 主库数据源 # 主库数据源
master: master:
url: jdbc:mysql:// url: jdbc:mysql://
# url: jdbc:mysql://
username: root username: root
password: cyx@2022Aa. password: cyx@2022Aa.
# password: 123456Aa
# 从库数据源 # 从库数据源
slave: slave:
# 从数据源开关/默认关闭 # 从数据源开关/默认关闭

View File

@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ spring:
servlet: servlet:
multipart: multipart:
# 单个文件大小 # 单个文件大小
max-file-size: 10MB max-file-size: 100MB
# 设置总上传的文件大小 # 设置总上传的文件大小
max-request-size: 20MB max-request-size: 200MB
# 服务模块 # 服务模块
devtools: devtools:
restart: restart:

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 4.7 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
* jQuery Media Plugin for converting elements into rich media content.
* Examples and documentation at:
* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 M. Alsup
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* @author: M. Alsup
* @version: 0.99 (05-JUN-2013)
* @requires jQuery v1.1.2 or later
* $Id: 2460 2007-07-23 02:53:15Z malsup $
* Supported Media Players:
* - Flash
* - Quicktime
* - Real Player
* - Silverlight
* - Windows Media Player
* - iframe
* Supported Media Formats:
* Any types supported by the above players, such as:
* Video: asf, avi, flv, mov, mpg, mpeg, mp4, qt, smil, swf, wmv, 3g2, 3gp
* Audio: aif, aac, au, gsm, mid, midi, mov, mp3, m4a, snd, rm, wav, wma
* Other: bmp, html, pdf, psd, qif, qtif, qti, tif, tiff, xaml
* Thanks to Mark Hicken and Brent Pedersen for helping me debug this on the Mac!
* Thanks to Dan Rossi for numerous bug reports and code bits!
* Thanks to Skye Giordano for several great suggestions!
* Thanks to Richard Connamacher for excellent improvements to the non-IE behavior!
/*global SWFObject alert Sys */
/*jshint forin:false */
;(function($) {
"use strict";
var mode = document.documentMode || 0;
var msie = /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent);
var lameIE = msie && (/MSIE (6|7|8)\.0/.test(navigator.userAgent) || mode < 9);
* Chainable method for converting elements into rich media.
* @param options
* @param callback fn invoked for each matched element before conversion
* @param callback fn invoked for each matched element after conversion
$ = function(options, f1, f2) {
if (options == 'undo') {
return this.each(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var html = $'media.origHTML');
if (html)
return this.each(function() {
if (typeof options == 'function') {
f2 = f1;
f1 = options;
options = {};
var o = getSettings(this, options);
// pre-conversion callback, passes original element and fully populated options
if (typeof f1 == 'function') f1(this, o);
var r = getTypesRegExp();
var m = r.exec(o.src.toLowerCase()) || [''];
var fn;
if (o.type)
m[0] = o.type;
for (var i=0; i < m.length; i++) {
fn = m[i].toLowerCase();
if (isDigit(fn[0])) fn = 'fn' + fn; // fns can't begin with numbers
if (!$[fn])
continue; // unrecognized media type
// normalize autoplay settings
var player = $[fn+'_player'];
if (!o.params) o.params = {};
if (player) {
var num = player.autoplayAttr == 'autostart';
o.params[player.autoplayAttr || 'autoplay'] = num ? (o.autoplay ? 1 : 0) : o.autoplay ? true : false;
var $div = $[fn](this, o);
$div.css('backgroundColor', o.bgColor).width(o.width);
if (o.canUndo) {
var $temp = $('<div></div>').append(this);
$'media.origHTML', $temp.html()); // store original markup
// post-conversion callback, passes original element, new div element and fully populated options
if (typeof f2 == 'function') f2(this, $div[0], o,;
* Non-chainable method for adding or changing file format / player mapping
* @name mapFormat
* @param String format File format extension (ie: mov, wav, mp3)
* @param String player Player name to use for the format (one of: flash, quicktime, realplayer, winmedia, silverlight or iframe
$ = function(format, player) {
if (!format || !player || !$[player]) return; // invalid
format = format.toLowerCase();
if (isDigit(format[0])) format = 'fn' + format;
$[format] = $[player];
$[format+'_player'] = $[player];
// global defautls; override as needed
$ = {
standards: true, // use object tags only (no embeds for non-IE browsers)
canUndo: true, // tells plugin to store the original markup so it can be reverted via: $(sel).mediaUndo()
width: 400,
height: 400,
autoplay: 0, // normalized cross-player setting
bgColor: '#ffffff', // background color
params: { wmode: 'transparent'}, // added to object element as param elements; added to embed element as attrs
attrs: {}, // added to object and embed elements as attrs
flvKeyName: 'file', // key used for object src param (thanks to Andrea Ercolino)
flashvars: {}, // added to flash content as flashvars param/attr
flashVersion: '7', // required flash version
expressInstaller: null, // src for express installer
// default flash video and mp3 player (@see:
flvPlayer: 'mediaplayer.swf',
mp3Player: 'mediaplayer.swf',
// @see
silverlight: {
inplaceInstallPrompt: 'true', // display in-place install prompt?
isWindowless: 'true', // windowless mode (false for wrapping markup)
framerate: '24', // maximum framerate
version: '0.9', // Silverlight version
onError: null, // onError callback
onLoad: null, // onLoad callback
initParams: null, // object init params
userContext: null // callback arg passed to the load callback
// Media Players; think twice before overriding
$ = {
flash: {
name: 'flash',
title: 'Flash',
types: 'flv,mp3,swf',
mimetype: 'application/x-shockwave-flash',
pluginspage: '',
ieAttrs: {
classid: 'clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000',
type: 'application/x-oleobject',
codebase: '' + $
quicktime: {
name: 'quicktime',
title: 'QuickTime',
mimetype: 'video/quicktime',
pluginspage: '',
types: 'aif,aiff,aac,au,bmp,gsm,mov,mid,midi,mpg,mpeg,mp4,m4a,psd,qt,qtif,qif,qti,snd,tif,tiff,wav,3g2,3gp',
ieAttrs: {
classid: 'clsid:02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B',
codebase: ''
realplayer: {
name: 'real',
title: 'RealPlayer',
types: 'ra,ram,rm,rpm,rv,smi,smil',
mimetype: 'audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin',
pluginspage: '',
autoplayAttr: 'autostart',
ieAttrs: {
classid: 'clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA'
winmedia: {
name: 'winmedia',
title: 'Windows Media',
types: 'asx,asf,avi,wma,wmv',
mimetype: isFirefoxWMPPluginInstalled() ? 'application/x-ms-wmp' : 'application/x-mplayer2',
pluginspage: '',
autoplayAttr: 'autostart',
oUrl: 'url',
ieAttrs: {
classid: 'clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6',
type: 'application/x-oleobject'
// special cases
img: {
name: 'img',
title: 'Image',
types: 'gif,png,jpg'
iframe: {
name: 'iframe',
types: 'html,pdf'
silverlight: {
name: 'silverlight',
types: 'xaml'
// everything below here is private
// detection script for FF WMP plugin (
// (hat tip to Mark Ross for this script)
function isFirefoxWMPPluginInstalled() {
var plugs = navigator.plugins || [];
for (var i = 0; i < plugs.length; i++) {
var plugin = plugs[i];
if (plugin['filename'] == 'np-mswmp.dll')
return true;
return false;
var counter = 1;
for (var player in $ {
var types = $[player].types;
$.each(types.split(','), function(i,o) {
if (isDigit(o[0])) o = 'fn' + o;
$[o] = $[player] = getGenerator(player);
$[o+'_player'] = $[player];
function getTypesRegExp() {
var types = '';
for (var player in $ {
if (types.length) types += ',';
types += $[player].types;
return new RegExp('\\.(' + types.replace(/,/ig,'|') + ')\\b');
function getGenerator(player) {
return function(el, options) {
return generate(el, options, player);
function isDigit(c) {
return '0123456789'.indexOf(c) > -1;
// flatten all possible options: global defaults, meta, option obj
function getSettings(el, options) {
options = options || {};
var a, n;
var $el = $(el);
var cls = el.className || '';
// support metadata plugin (v1.0 and v2.0)
var meta = $.metadata ? $el.metadata() : $.meta ? $ : {};
meta = meta || {};
var w = meta.width || parseInt(((cls.match(/\bw:(\d+)/)||[])[1]||0),10) || parseInt(((cls.match(/\bwidth:(\d+)/)||[])[1]||0),10);
var h = meta.height || parseInt(((cls.match(/\bh:(\d+)/)||[])[1]||0),10) || parseInt(((cls.match(/\bheight:(\d+)/)||[])[1]||0),10);
if (w) meta.width = w;
if (h) meta.height = h;
if (cls) meta.cls = cls;
// crank html5 style data attributes
var dataName = 'data-';
for (var i=0; i < el.attributes.length; i++) {
a = el.attributes[i], n = $.trim(;
var index = n.indexOf(dataName);
if (index === 0) {
n = n.substring(dataName.length);
meta[n] = a.value;
a = $;
var b = options;
var c = meta;
var p = { params: { bgColor: options.bgColor || $ } };
var opts = $.extend({}, a, b, c);
$.each(['attrs','params','flashvars','silverlight'], function(i,o) {
opts[o] = $.extend({}, p[o] || {}, a[o] || {}, b[o] || {}, c[o] || {});
if (typeof opts.caption == 'undefined') opts.caption = $el.text();
// make sure we have a source!
opts.src = opts.src || $el.attr('href') || $el.attr('src') || 'unknown';
return opts;
// Flash Player
// generate flash using SWFObject library if possible
$ = function(el, opts) {
var f, p;
if (!window.SWFObject && !window.swfobject) {
// roll our own
if (opts.flashvars) {
var a = [];
for (f in opts.flashvars)
a.push(f + '=' + opts.flashvars[f]);
if (!opts.params) opts.params = {};
opts.params.flashvars = a.join('&');
return generate(el, opts, 'flash');
var id = ? (' id="''"') : '';
var cls = opts.cls ? (' class="' + opts.cls + '"') : '';
var $div = $('<div' + id + cls + '>');
// swfobject v2+
if (window.swfobject) {
if (! = 'movie_player_' + counter++;
// replace el with swfobject content
window.swfobject.embedSWF(opts.src,, opts.width, opts.height, opts.flashVersion,
opts.expressInstaller, opts.flashvars, opts.params, opts.attrs);
// swfobject < v2
else {
var so = new SWFObject(opts.src, 'movie_player_' + counter++, opts.width, opts.height, opts.flashVersion, opts.bgColor);
if (opts.expressInstaller) so.useExpressInstall(opts.expressInstaller);
for (p in opts.params)
if (p != 'bgColor') so.addParam(p, opts.params[p]);
for (f in opts.flashvars)
so.addVariable(f, opts.flashvars[f]);
if (opts.caption) $('<div>').appendTo($div).html(opts.caption);
return $div;
// map flv and mp3 files to the swf player by default
$ = $ = function(el, opts) {
var src = opts.src;
var player = /\.mp3\b/i.test(src) ? opts.mp3Player : opts.flvPlayer;
var key = opts.flvKeyName;
src = encodeURIComponent(src);
opts.src = player;
opts.src = opts.src + '?'+key+'=' + (src);
var srcObj = {};
srcObj[key] = src;
opts.flashvars = $.extend({}, srcObj, opts.flashvars );
return $, opts);
// Silverlight
$ = function(el, opts) {
if (!window.Sys || !window.Sys.Silverlight) {
if ($ return;
$ = 1;
alert('You must include the Silverlight.js script.');
var props = {
width: opts.width,
height: opts.height,
background: opts.bgColor,
inplaceInstallPrompt: opts.silverlight.inplaceInstallPrompt,
isWindowless: opts.silverlight.isWindowless,
framerate: opts.silverlight.framerate,
version: opts.silverlight.version
var events = {
onError: opts.silverlight.onError,
onLoad: opts.silverlight.onLoad
var id1 = ? (' id="''"') : '';
var id2 = || 'AG' + counter++;
// convert element to div
var cls = opts.cls ? (' class="' + opts.cls + '"') : '';
var $div = $('<div' + id1 + cls + '>');
source: opts.src,
initParams: opts.silverlight.initParams,
userContext: opts.silverlight.userContext,
id: id2,
parentElement: $div[0],
properties: props,
events: events
if (opts.caption) $('<div>').appendTo($div).html(opts.caption);
return $div;
// generate object/embed markup
function generate(el, opts, player) {
var $el = $(el);
var o = $[player];
var a, key, v;
if (player == 'iframe') {
o = $('<iframe' + ' width="' + opts.width + '" height="' + opts.height + '" >');
o.attr('src', opts.src);
o.css('backgroundColor', o.bgColor);
else if (player == 'img') {
o = $('<img>');
o.attr('src', opts.src);
if (opts.width)
o.attr('width', opts.width);
if (opts.height)
o.attr('height', opts.height);
o.css('backgroundColor', o.bgColor);
else if (lameIE) {
a = ['<object width="' + opts.width + '" height="' + opts.height + '" '];
for (key in opts.attrs)
a.push(key + '="'+opts.attrs[key]+'" ');
for (key in o.ieAttrs || {}) {
v = o.ieAttrs[key];
if (key == 'codebase' && window.location.protocol == 'https:')
v = v.replace('http','https');
a.push(key + '="'+v+'" ');
var p = ['<param name="' + (o.oUrl || 'src') +'" value="' + opts.src + '">'];
for (key in opts.params)
p.push('<param name="'+ key +'" value="' + opts.params[key] + '">');
o = document.createElement(a.join(''));
for (var i=0; i < p.length; i++)
else if (opts.standards) {
// Rewritten to be standards compliant by Richard Connamacher
a = ['<object type="' + o.mimetype +'" width="' + opts.width + '" height="' + opts.height +'"'];
if (opts.src) a.push(' data="' + opts.src + '" ');
if (msie) {
for (key in o.ieAttrs || {}) {
v = o.ieAttrs[key];
if (key == 'codebase' && window.location.protocol == 'https:')
v = v.replace('http','https');
a.push(key + '="'+v+'" ');
a.push('<param name="' + (o.oUrl || 'src') +'" value="' + opts.src + '">');
for (key in opts.params) {
if (key == 'wmode' && player != 'flash') // FF3/Quicktime borks on wmode
a.push('<param name="'+ key +'" value="' + opts.params[key] + '">');
// Alternate HTML
a.push('<div><p><strong>'+o.title+' Required</strong></p><p>'+o.title+' is required to view this media. <a href="'+o.pluginspage+'">Download Here</a>.</p></div>');
else {
a = ['<embed width="' + opts.width + '" height="' + opts.height + '" style="display:block"'];
if (opts.src) a.push(' src="' + opts.src + '" ');
for (key in opts.attrs)
a.push(key + '="'+opts.attrs[key]+'" ');
for (key in o.eAttrs || {})
a.push(key + '="'+o.eAttrs[key]+'" ');
for (key in opts.params) {
if (key == 'wmode' && player != 'flash') // FF3/Quicktime borks on wmode
a.push(key + '="'+opts.params[key]+'" ');
// convert element to div
var id = ? (' id="''"') : '';
var cls = opts.cls ? (' class="' + opts.cls + '"') : '';
var $div = $('<div' + id + cls + '>');
if (lameIE || player == 'iframe' || player == 'img')
if (opts.caption)
return $div;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More